
A Professional, Educational and Community Building Initiative



Depth Relational Process

Depth Relational Process describes both the integrative approach we have developed for our training and the deeper intentions behind the Institute of Psychedelic Therapy. Within our structures for continuous learning and community building we hold an ethos of supporting the space for us to move deeper into inquiry, to create forums for coming together in growing relationships as a collective, and to commit to an evolving and emergent process in this work and our organisational structures.

Our Vision

We imagine a world where psychedelic and expanded states become a valued practice in healing our individual, collective and eco-systemic wounds, in facilitating a paradigm shift in our understanding of illness and health and in updating our current psychotherapeutic and psychiatric models.

Our Mission

We aim to support the professional development of this field, deepen practitioner capacity in assisting expanded states in a therapeutic manner and develop robust ethical guidelines to support safe and skilful practice.

Our Values

  • Slow: We support the slow cultivation of practitioner skills and we are proponents of work in psychedelic states being integrated within longer term therapeutic frameworks
  • Grounded: We aim to maintain a balanced position between the proponents and opponents in this work, supporting the inherent benefits and minimising the potential harms, addressing both in equal measure.
  • Relational: We find relationship at the heart of everything we encounter in life. The therapeutic relationship is the transformative container for the delicate process of emergent growth.
  • Compassion: We support the cultivating of deeper layers of compassionate insight into what it means to be human through an attitude of ongoing inquiry into ourselves and others. We see compassion as an essential container and medicine for navigating complexity, conflict and differences in our experiences of the world around us.
  • Accountability: We believe that community and relationships support accountability. We aim to support mindful, ethical and socially aware practices.
  • Sustainability: Acknowledging negative impact and striving to develop sustainable systems, solutions and relationships that honour and respect natural energy resources in all their forms.

Mountain range landscape


Deepening our Inquiry

Heart shape through the forest treetops


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