Home Events Adam Bambury | “Holding on and Letting Go: Insights from Body Psychotherapy into Working with Expanded States and Somatic Spaces”


Jul 08 2024


6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Adam Bambury | “Holding on and Letting Go: Insights from Body Psychotherapy into Working with Expanded States and Somatic Spaces”

The practice of engaging with embodiment in therapy has found wider acceptance and respectability in recent decades, much like what is happening with psychedelics. Whether it’s as a way to process trauma or as a route to a deeper wisdom within the unconscious, the therapeutic potentials can no longer easily be ignored.

Since the pioneering work of Wilhelm Reich in the 1930s, body psychotherapists have been working in this space between psyche and soma, where everyday consciousness can shift to perceive wider currents of feeling, breath and energy – or their absence. It’s an enquiry grounded in the here and now that is also an encounter with the past: the habitual ways we learned to hold on and let go in both body and mind in response the challenges of existence, relationship and society, and how we might now find greater flexibility in this, while also celebrating the particular ‘shape’ we take in the world.

In this talk I will share a brief history of the evolution of body psychotherapy, explore its relevance to psychedelic therapy and integration work, and touch on how a continued practice of befriending and attending to our own unique embodiment as practitioners can help our clients do the same.


Adam Bambury is a relational body psychotherapist and psychedelic integration practitioner working in private practice in London. He’s a member of the European Association of Body Psychotherapy (EABP), the IPT, and helped establish the UK Body Psychotherapy Network. He recently completed the IPT’s first two-year psychedelic assisted therapy training and has spoken about embodiment, therapy and psychedelics at events including the 2019 Breaking Convention conference at Greenwich University, and the 2023 EABP International Congress in Sofia. He also enjoys sitting in the woods and making music, occasionally both at the same time.



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Space-holder Ticket £18

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Available Tickets: 92
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Facilitator Ticket £23

Your contribution supports us to leverage the lower income prices of the support tickets and you are therefore facilitating them to engage with and support our events. This helps us run the wider CPD forums these events are a part of. We aim these tickets for those on incomes above £45K per year. Our ticketing system relies on mutual trust, please use wisely.

Available Tickets: 92
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The Institute of Psychedelic Therapy
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Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Jul 08 2024
  • Time: 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

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